Our Club helps empower our community.

At The University Club, making life easier and more enjoyable for our Members is only the beginning. We’re just as committed to improving lives across our community. Through The University Club Foundation, we proudly support programs that make a tremendous impact.

Scholarship Program

As community leaders, we believe one of our greatest responsibilities is to put the next generation of leaders on a strong path. The heart of our philanthropic efforts, The University Club Scholarship Program has awarded almost $2M to students attending the colleges and universities of our region, including the University of Central Florida, Rollins College, FAMU College of Law, Seminole State College and Valencia College.

Cocktails for a Cause

Every month, this lively event brings The University Club Members and the Orlando community together to raise a glass — and a few dollars — for a local non-profit organization. The organizations are selected by a Member of The University Club who feels connected to their mission.

150 East Central Blvd Orlando, Florida 32801  (407) 425-2514
Copyright ©2024 The University Club of Orlando
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